New Chapter & a New Year

I've decided that if ever law just doesn't work out for me, I could go into the moving business. I feel well qualified as this weekend I'll be moving for the 6th time in 5 years. =)

It's a great start to 2009, really. New beginnings all around! I'm sitting in my mostly empty room, boxes and piles all over my house, excited and wondering what all this year has in store. I usually have some kind of "gut" feeling walking into a new year, but this time I had nothing. It's a big question mark with one goal....finish school in June. After that, who knows!

I don't know what my future holds, but I know who has it in his loving hands. I know that with Jesus life is an adventure! So as I start out this next chapter in my life's adventure, I'm looking upward with a smile, excitement, and anticipation. No matter what may come at me this year, I know God is with me in every step and I wouldn't have it any other way!


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