Obedience = Evidence of Trust

I found this blog post in my "drafts" folder and thought the content was too good to delete. I wrote this last summer, but the reminder today was great! Hoping this blesses your life...

A couple weeks ago I met a dear friend for a cup of Starbucks and share time. After the usual chit chat about work, upcoming weddings of our mutual friends etc. we got a little deeper into some real life stuff. I was sharing a struggle with her and trying to find a solution and like any good friend would do, she bluntly and lovingly shared some truth. To sum it all up she simply said "Obedience = The Evidence of Trust". Ok, if you're like me you just went, HUH? Stick with me for a moment. At first glance for me that topic makes my head all cloudy, but my sweet friend who has so much Goldy insight to life situations continued with something that struck me as a revelation.

Abraham and Isaac - when God asked Abraham to offer Isaac back to him as a sacrifice he wasn't testing Abraham to see what he would do. He's God, He already knew what Abraham was going to do. The purpose of that test was to show Abraham how much trust HE had in God. It was designed to show Abraham his own heart and where he was in his relationship with God. His obedience was simply a revelation to himself of the level of trust he had in God. Ok, pause. I grew up in church my whole life and why hasn't anyone ever told me this? I've always heard that it was a test so God could see where Abraham was even though He's God and didn't really need it. I've always thought that theory didn't make sense...but when I heard my friend say this, it was a complete "AH HA!" moment. My obedience in the unknown times is an act of faith in who my God says he is. That's pretty powerful and it shows me just how short my faith has fallen time and time again.

So, my question is to you...are you displaying trust in God by actively obeying Him even though you can't see the outcome?


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