Homecoming Victory!!!
GT v. VT
Shaun, me & Dee Dee
You can just see the goal post being carried away behind us.
Here are just a few pictures of our GT Homecoming adventures on Saturday. I was so excited that Dee Dee came with us and was there to see a big victory!!! I got to live outside my box a little...we rushed the field along with hundreds of others. Was quite an amazing experience to jump the wall and run down on the field. WOW and AWESOME are the 2 words that come to mind. For those of you who really know me, you know that this isn't the type of thing I'd normally do, but I have to say I enjoyed EVERY moment and now have an awesome story to tell my kids someday. =)
As you can see from the picture just below, the goal post was in fact torn down. While our group made sure to put a lot of distance between us and the mischief it was so much fun to watch all the kids and their enthusiasm.
You can just see the goal post being carried away behind us.
Shaun's Fraternity Brothers (some of them), Me & Amy, and some random college kids that wanted to jump in our picture....standing on the field!
looks like you had fun! Don't you just love this time of year? College football is the best. I have Michael to thank for my newfound love of the sport!