Happy 60th, Dad!

Celebrating my Dad today...I'm so grateful for him!
Things I love about my Dad:

1) his desire to follow God and living that out in front of our family
2) his sense of humor
3) his desire to make his family happy even at his own sacrifice
4) his sense of hard work and ethics
5) teaching his kids to love God, love family, stay true, work hard
6) his love of practical jokes
7) the fact that he forgets he's already told me that story 5 times before
8) his cock-a-doodle-do that he STILL does to wake his grown kids up
9) his love of football (and how it prepared me for marriage)
10) he can fix anything
11) he has great advice
12) he'll always be my Dad and still love me no matter what
13) he's my birthday week buddy
14) his desire to see his kids be successful and happy in life

My Dad has always had a special place in my heart and on this milestone birthday, I want to wish him many wonderful blessing in the next year. Happy birthday, Dad. You are very much loved!


  1. Happy birthday to your dad! By the way, I have stolen the graphic.=)

  2. Happy Birthday to dear dad. A gem by the sounds of things.....I am sorry to say, that I, too, stole the graphic.....! The company one keeps on Blogger, eh.....?!lol


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