Quiet Time Ponderings

There has been an unusual amount of stress in my life lately, from almost every possible angle. Generally I roll with the punches and make it out of the mire just fine. But when life just piles on top of you from EVERYwhere, it has a tendency to set you back a pace or two. The irony is, this is truly the happiest I've ever been in my whole life, but it's amazing how Satan will do anything he can to steal your joy and take the focus off of the wonderful things God is doing. And I think that is exactly where I have been lately.

In all the frustration and trials, I've found it very easy to vent and vent and vent my frustrations and hurt feelings. And then this morning God gave me this verse in my quiet time....

"It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man."~Matthew 15:11 ~

Which reminded me of a verse in Proverbs (I can't recall the exact reference) "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."

It's ok to stand for what's right, but am I doing it and saying it in a way that honors God? Is what I'm saying reflecting little seeds of discord that are being sown in my own heart?

Just something I'm pondering today...


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