This Could Be...
....Everlasting Love For Me!
One year ago today, Shaun and I were matched on eHarmony! I had signed up only three days earlier in a moment of complete frustration and feeling hopelessly single. I had struggled with being single for some time and was coming to the end of my rope. I was 27, spent my birthday completely alone in my apartment with a roommate who didn't give a hoot, my life was looking empty with only work to fill it... My plan? Give eHarmony one month to prove that good Godly men didn't exist in the single state anymore and move on, find a new hobby and be content.
My rule of thumb when it came to being matched up with people was "put yourself out there, let God and the guys do all the work." and so I did... The matching began. I was interested in some, losing track of who was who, some that were just amusing but no's and of course there were a few profiles that were just immediate "heck no ways" and they were quickly removed from my options box.
Three days into the madness of my ridiculous experiment, Shaun popped up and requested communication. His profile was intriguing, he was good looking at first glance, he was well educated, appeared to be financially and emotionally stable, he wrote about a growing relationship with Christ...hmm this is sounding too good to be true. With great caution and much skepticism I accepted his request to communicate and by the time we got to open emails I knew this man was like none other I had ever met!
Just 13 days after our first communication, we met face to face for the first time and began the most incredible and whirlwind year of my life! He was everything his profile said and more and was even better looking in real life than in his pictures. When I left that first date, all I could say was "I REALLY like him!" and my heart hoped so much that getting to know him more would only increase those feelings..
How wonderful to look back, see God's hand all over our introduction! His timing is perfect. Never too early, never too late, but always exactly on time. God is so good to me beyond my comprehension sometimes. I am truly blessed.
23 days till I become Mrs. Dishman!
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