Meet Oscar


Oscar is our playful and energetic Brittany Spaniel who adds so much life to our home. We just can't imagine our lives without him. Every day when we come in he's waiting at the door ready with licks and sneezes. Yes, you heard me. Sneezes! Oscar has a funny quirk of sneezing when he gets really excited and will be sure to shower us and our guests with a welcoming sneeze or 10. He also loves to jump up on you for a hug as soon as you enter the door. (bringing the sneezes that much closer to your face) We're training him to stay down and let us come to him. This only results in him going from his tail wagging to full body wagging and spinning in circles because he's SO excited to see us that he just can't stand it.

How Oscar Got His Name: When Shaun was a young boy he had a family dog named "Barkley." Barkley had been named after the Sesame Street character. Shaun thought he would continue with the theme and chose to name his new friend after "Oscar the Grouch." It's a good thing that Oscar does not live up to his namesake's personality, though!

D.O.B.: June 18, 2006. He is 4 years old.

When Oscar Joined Shaun's Life: Shaun picked Oscar up on August 6, 2006 as a birthday present to himself. Thereby sharing a birthday/adoption date.

Oscar's Nicknames:
  • Oscarnator
  • Osckie
  • Oscars
  • Oscar Meyer Wiener

Oscar's Interests:

  • Morning Walks - before Shaun's feet can even hit the floor in the morning, Oscar is there waiting by the bed. With tail wagging and ready to go, he shadows Shaun from bed, to closet and closet to kitchen excitedly waiting for the leash to slip on and the garage door to open.
  • Bird watching, bird stalking, bird catching & bird eating (if we let him)
  • Catching the Frisbee
  • Bunny hunting - we had some baby rabbits living in a wilderness area in our backyard and Oscar has kept us very busy rescuing the bunnies from his hunters instinct.
  • Enticing people to chase him - this usually happens in the living room. He'll crouch down, wag his tail and then give a little jump. He'll repeat till you begin to chase him and then it's round and round the couch you go.
  • Eating pears off our pear tree - at least there will still be pears at the top of our tree by the time they are ripe. Can't say as much for anything within Oscar's reach.
  • Hoarding time with Shaun
  • Ignoring me - we're working on it and I'm slowly winning him over. Perhaps I should up his treat rations...


  1. It's pretty sad that your dog and I have the same name...I was nicknamed that when I was very small, due to my morning attitude :P


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