Yet Another New Beginning

And so it goes that nothing is simple in life. To save you all a very long story or to save myself from telling it and you from the headache of reading it, I have simply changed my blog address. I had no intent of doing so post wedding, but Google actually isn't perfect (I know, I was shocked too) and so here I am.

Married Life - Can I just say that being married has been way more fun than I even imagined it would be? I had no idea it would be THIS wonderful. God has truly blessed us! Today marks our one month of marriage anniversary. If the first month is any indication of how the rest of our lives will be, I personally am hoping to be married for as long as Methuselah was old.

Our Dog - I wish I could say our dog has adjusted to marriage as easily has Shaun and I have. Oscar does well with my constant presence for the most part. He completely ignored me the first week I lived with Shaun and would have nothing to do with me beyond a slight acknowledgment or tail wag when I got home from work. This has improved greatly and he is finally starting to want to spend time with me. However, his new hobby has become keeping Shaun and I apart. If we sit too close together while watching TV, Oscar will be sure to jump on us, weasel his way between us and get right in our face "singing." (Singing = Shaun taught Oscar to howl when commanded to sing) I must admit that this amuses Shaun and I greatly so we have taken to giving quick pecks to each other to see what kind of reaction we can get. It usually results in Oscar trying even more frantically to squeeze between us and he howls as loud and long as he possibly can. And so Oscar has become much more entertaining to us than TV at times. We are working at spending quality time with him to hopefully cut down on the jealousy issue.

Our House - it's coming along. We've found a home for most of everything and are currently trying to finish settling completely into our bathroom. It truly is amazing how much stuff two people can have and how a bathroom that had extra room all the sudden has too little space with the addition of a person. Once we are settled in pretty well, I'm hoping to start my creative juices flowing and get the house painted. (Shaun shudders every time I say "paint" and it's a bit amusing.) I'm thinking painting anything may have to wait till the fall though...

Our Church - I think it's safe for me to say that we're officially at North Point Community Church. Shaun and I both love it there and are looking forward to finding a couple's small group and possibly teaching a kids class this fall!

In Other News - My herniated disk gets better every day. I still have very little muscle strength in my back, so I'm taking it easy on the household chores that require a lot of physical exertion. i.e. vacuuming, bending for laundry, yard work etc. I'm learning to let Shaun do those things and I can wash dishes, fold laundry sitting down and pick up small things around the house and put them away. I just can't bend at the waist. To help myself get back to ship shape order, I'm starting a daily Pilates routine that should have my muscles strengthened enough in 2-3 months that I should be able to start running again. I'm still holding out for a 5k this year and right now, it's looking like November might work.

Oh yeah, and football starts in 24 days. =) I'm so ready to be tailgating with our friends and watching the Yellow Jackets play! This is going to be a fantastic next season in our lives.


  1. Yay! Welcome to this new stage of life - and your new home in the blogosphere!

  2. I am so very happy for you and Shaun. I love the blog and wanting to know more about Oscar. He sounds adorable. What kind of dog? I love paint too ... it really completes a room. (probably not good for your back)

  3. There's nothing like marriage! Setting up house is so much fun!! I hope you continue to get well and heal from the back injury. Have a wonderful 2nd month and may the Lord continue to be the reason for your joy!! :) Love you, girl!

  4. Rebecca, Great blog! Sorry to hear that you are not doing well but happy to know that you have Shaun to take care of you and I know he is doing the best job at it. I really missed not being able to make it home for your wedding but saw the pictures and you were beautiful.Like the profile pic even though you did cut me out of it ;) Love ya girl. Take care.


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