Thanksgiving Back Track

I realized after my long update on snippets of our life lately, I forgot to post a few fun memories from Thanksgiving. So here's a little back track post for you.

Rock Band: Would any holiday be complete without some family competition on the Rock Band set?

Aunt Becca's Band. We rock our hearts out!

The Stoltzfus Family Band with lead singer, Shaun Dishman. They're not really into this much. Check out the drummer making sure her locks look just right. She's so vain, she probably thought that song was for her. *wink wink*

In the event that you would like to treat your visiting family to the local pizza joint, be SURE to take the three nephews to get tacky hands from the gumball machine. It will certainly keep them entertained at your house later on during the visit...

GAH! Blogger Picture upload just broke. Check back soon for the rest of this post!


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