2016 Year In Review

Dear 2016,

You started off with a lot of bumps in the road. You started with uncertainty, fear, worry and deferred hope.

For Charlotte - 2016 started as a giant question mark. How far would she progress? Will she speak normally? Can she be mainstreamed in the classroom?
We've been working hard all year and are thrilled to report that she can jump, walk backwards, manuever stairs without hands or the need for railing, she's working hard to hop on one foot, master her scooter and tricycle! Her speech is amazing! (Though we have a long way to go) Her understanding of language is exactly on target. There's is no stopping her from talking and her words become clearer every day! She is mainstreamed and thriving! We are amazed at the miracles we see the Lord working in her life and our prayer is that no matter what her life holds, her story will continue to bring glory to God. She works so hard because SHE is self motivated to overcome it all. We couldn't be more grateful, proud of her and humbled by the goodness of God's mercy in her life. Charlotte is joy! She is tender hearted, generous, full of love and beauty. She is maturing so much and becoming quite the helper to Mommy. She fills our hearts every day.

For Carter - 2016 found our full steam ahead buddy spending the spring with back to back illnesses for a solid 3 months (he was only well for a total of about 7 days in that span), a 4 day hospital stay, a diagnosis of viral induced asthma after several bouts of breathing issues, and a fractured wrist. However, he continues to achieve his milestones on time, which brings so much peace and happiness to us! He's a bundle of boy energy, but also full of joy and love. He fills each day with loud giggles and is quick to give us all kisses.

For Shaun & I - 2016 began in a rough place emotionally. Worried and fearful for the future of our children. Stressed about the finances that could be incurred for Charlotte's therapies. Drowning in a crazy therapy schedule. Being told by multiple Drs. to have no more children before a series of genetic testing to see IF more children would be prudent for us. Losing my Grandfather.

We were just trying to survive...

This year has ended in a really good place. We were granted funding for Charlotte's therapies which took us from wondering how we could possibly juggle it all and make it work, to being able to give our girl every tool needed for success without financial strain! For all of you who pay federal taxes, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. Your tax money (and ours) is paying for her therapy and we do not take that or you for granted in our house. You personally have a part in her story and in her every victory. Seeing the continuing progress and good reports from all medical professionals for both of our children has settled peace into our hearts. While the future still holds question marks, we see hope instead of dispare and feel great peace instead of fear. We have found our groove with a therapy schedule that works for our family. This fall we were gifted a 3 week sabatical of being unplugged from real life. It was a time of refreshment and was the life giving time our family needed to put wind back in our sails! We are happy to report that our genetic testing has returned normal and that Charlotte's syndrome and Carter's cleft were both chance happenings. Our Drs can find no scientific reason that we shouldn't be able to have a perfectly healthy baby should the Lord see fit to bring another bundle into our family in the future. Regardless of there ever being another baby Dishman or not, just knowing these were isolated, chance happenings and not some genetic deficiency in Shaun or I has lifted a huge emotional burden.

2016, you have taken us from a place of just trying to survive to a place of absolutely thriving. Our fears have melted away and you have ended with refreshing joy and a roaring flame of hope for the future! 2017, welcome!

"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the person who trusts in the Lord." Psalm 34:8


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