New Look, Fresh Start

Clearly it's been a long time since I've blogged. There are simply three reasons why:

1) My laptop bit the dust over a year ago. I mean, white screen of death. Done. Toast. Boat anchor material. Blogging from a phone is pretty much miserable, so I gave up for a while. Thankfully, my awesome husband just surprised me with a new one, so here I am!

2) Life got too hard behind the scenes to share publicly. If you follow me on any social media platforms you're probably wondering what it is that I possibly haven't shared. Ha! Can we say #Oversharer? I'm the girl that posts every time my kids sneeze. Okay, not really THAT much, but a lot. Let's be honest here: my kids are hilarious, mischievous, and pretty good entertainment. But I digress... I'll be writing more about the behind the scenes stuff in the very near future.

3) My blog needed a serious make over. YIKES, blogger "skins!" That can't possibly be a thing anymore. Life has changed so much since I first started this blog almost 10 years ago and it's time to reflect that.

So, here we go. New web address, new look, new blog title, fresh description! I'll be filling in a lot more of the back story on that teaser up there. If you're new here, welcome! If you're an old friend stopping by for "more of the story," welcome back! Whoever you are and wherever life finds you, I hope this blog is a source of encouragement to you.


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