Kiddo of the Month!

We are so excited to share that Charlotte was nominated for "Kiddo of the Month" at her therapy clinic! Shaun and I have noticed amazing progress and that she has been working extra hard lately. It brings us even more joy and excitement to know that her therapists all agree. They jointly surprised us by nominating her for this special award!

This award includes: Her picture and bio on the Kiddos Clubhouse website and on their bulletin board in the waiting room, a certificate, a Toys R Us gift card, and a $100 donation made in her honor to the charity of her choice! (full bio in the link)

See these three ladies right here? I'd be remiss if I didn't pause and talk about them for just a moment. Ms. Carla, Ms. Jenny, & Ms. Christin work tirelessly with Charlotte and hold a pretty special place in our hearts (as do our other therapists that are not part of this particular clinic. Shaun and I have always felt extremely blessed in the teams that have surrounded Charlotte both in the past and in the present). They cover PT, OT, and Speech. They encourage, cheer her on, are always looking for new strategies, and pour into Charlotte in special ways. We know God put this team together specifically for our girl and through them, He is constantly working His miracles in Charlotte!

So, what did our girl do with her gift card? Well...

She picked out the game "Don't Step In It!" - a game of play dough, dog bombs and blindfolds. Next time you're over, she'll likely want you to play, but don't worry, the infectious giggles she erupts into will make stepping in the "mess" completely worth your while. 

Charlotte, Daddy and I are so incredibly proud of you! We love you to the moon and back and to the end of all the numbers! We know that you're going to go places in life. God is writing an amazing story in you and we love that we get the VIP seats! You're the kid that this quote was made for: 

"She believed she could, so she did!" 
~R.S. Grey

You never let anything stand in the way of your goals and dreams. You don't know the meaning of the word impossible. You just do what your heart desires. We love that about you and it inspires us! Keep believing in yourself and keep doing! We're proud of you and cheering you on every single step of the way.


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